Trusted for 24xforever use by more than 300 departments operating over 5000 stations, ranging from some of the smallest to some of the largest.
EMS, Fire, Battalion Chief
For stations that may have only 2 groups of first responders (typical fire and EMS) along with their battalion chief, Locution’s 3-Area provides simple zoning. This enables alerting in the night to be limited to the group who are being dispatched. Fewer interruptions to sleep is healthier for first responders and also enables them to perform at their best.
Minimize sleep deprivation by awaking just the bunks being dispatched
Want to see what zoning can do for your first responders?
The health studies about sleep are voluminous. The impact of frequent interruptions to sleep are severe – both in the short term and long term. Zoning is one of the key technologies that are now best practice for fire station alerting.