Designed in Direct Response to Fire and Battalion Chiefs Needs
- Faster Response Times
- Improved Health & Safety for Your Team
- High Availability, 24 x Forever Resilience
- Highly Configurable to Support an Unpredictable Future
Locution sets the standard for automated fire station alerting by designing in direct response to the needs of fire and battalion chiefs. Built to reduce response times and improve the health and safety of first responders, our state of the art systems offer unmatched configurability. Our systems perform so well because they adapt to you, not the other way around. They are built for your 24 x forever operation and can adapt to an unpredictable future.
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Trusted for 24 x forever use by more than 300 departments operating over 5000 stations.
Advanced Voice Alerting
Sample #1
Advanced Voice Alerting
Sample #2
Advanced Voice Alerting
Sample #3
Designed for Precision and Speed
Locution’s complete, full word natural voice delivers high understandability. The pronunciations are the way you want them. Landmark names can replace long street addresses. You determine the order of information in the dispatches, as well as tones and alerts that quickly communicate critical information. The result: clear, concise, and consistent communication that you and your team can depend on.
Redundancy for 24 x Forever Operation
IP and Radio can be configured to provide redundancy. Our Responder Mobile app provides information at your fingertips, wherever you or your team may be. Our audio database is stored at each station for redundancy and performance – no fire station alerting system should rely on cloud availability to operate. Your system settings can be viewed and modified by you, as well as stored offsite for additional redundancy and protection.
Improving Health & Safety of First Responders
Frequent interruptions of sleep, coupled with loud alarms, bright lights, and more, have very significant health risks for first responders. They increase stress and can also impair decision making and lower job performance. To help mitigate these health risks, Locution delivers systems with heart saver tones, ramped audio and visual alerts, lighting optimized for night use, smaller directional speakers to provide clearer audio at lower levels than large wide area speakers, zoned alerting to avoid awakening first responders unnecessarily, and more. First responder health and safety should be taken as seriously as the health and safety of those they are protecting.
Low Risk Implementation
Locution understands that setting the standard for automated fire station alerting systems isn’t just about innovative software and hardware. It is about listening to your unique needs, integrating with your existing CAD and processes, and designing and implementing your solution seamlessly and predictably. Our goal is to deliver a system that is so intuitive that your whole team, including your first responders, dispatchers, system administrators, and you, quickly become so comfortable with it that it feels like it has always been there.
“We saw a 40 percent reduction in the time it took between receiving the 911 call and beginning to process that and dispatching those fire trucks. What was a new and cutting-edge thing is now part of our DNA.”
Tom Jenkins – Fire Chief, Rogers AR
“We saw a 40 percent reduction in the time it took between receiving the 911 call and beginning to process that and dispatching those fire trucks. What was a new and cutting-edge thing is now part of our DNA.”
Tom Jenkins – Fire Chief, Rogers AR
Proven Partner for Tomorrow
Locution understands that “one size doesn’t fit all,” so we designed for maximum flexibility with unmatched configurability. That same flexibility helps future-proof our system, so you can change settings as you need and add new stations and agencies with very different requirements. Our non-proprietary hardware enables you to buy the right products in the future. Our commitment and singular focus to be your trusted partner has been a constant since 1993. This is what we do and who we are.
Results of using Locution Systems automated dispatching and alerting
“Since we put in Locution station alerting, we’ve completely reduced errors in responses. There hasn’t been a single dispatching to the wrong location in the 5+ years that the Locution station alerting system has been in operation at Mobile.”
Philip B.
Fire Chief
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Want to learn about the state of the art for automated fire station alerting?
Locution’s focus and commitment to first responders shows in everything we do. Each design decision and each new product feature are the result of answering this question: how do we help first responders save lives and property, while improving their own health and safety?
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